I need help understanding my child's needs and making sure they are met
Before contacting anyone below, or seeking external advice, please first discuss what you think your child's needs are with their class teacher.
Next contact in school: Mrs Cambidge (Assistant Headteacher - Inclusion (Windmill's Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo))
- Available on 01952 386360 on most Thursdays and Fridays, or email office@windmillprimaryschool.co.uk anytime
Other helpful people: Mrs Howells (Assistant SENDCo)
A section of our school website is dedicated to information about Special Educational Needs and Disabilities:
SEND and Accessibility | Windmill Primary School
If you have spoken to the class teacher and they have not noticed the same needs in school as you have at home, we would advise making an appointment with Mrs Cambidge.
Further information:
- Special educational needs and disability (SEND) - Telford & Wrekin Council
- Information, Advice and Support Service: SENDIASS Telford
- NHS guide to SEND in Telford: SEND Telford and Wrekin (stw-healthiertogether.nhs.uk)
- PODs Telford (Parents Opening Doors): Home - PODS (podstelford.org)