Class 3

Mrs Howells Mrs Rowntree  

Class 3 is one of the two Year 1 classes and is part of Key Stage One.

Mrs Howells is the class teacher and Mrs Rowntree is the cover supervisor.  That means whenever Mrs Howells is out of the class for any reason, Mrs Rowntree usually takes over.  On Thursday afternoons, Class 3 do Music and PE with a specialist Music teacher and one of our sports coaches. We also have PE on Wednesday afternoons.


The school day starts at 8:45am.  Please arrive promptly because class doors are locked at 8:50am.  The school day finishes at 3:15pm.  Please let us know if you have arranged for someone different to collect your child.

Our regular weekly events are:


  • PE on Wednesday and Thursday (please ensure your child wears their PE kit to come to school)


We ask you to read at home regularly with your child (please aim to do that every day).


Children will earn ClassDojo points (House Points) through the year for doing well.


We aim to communicate with you regularly via the ClassDojo phone app.  Please download that and use your unique code (given by the teacher) to link to your child’s class.